On the agenda...learn to tell time
In my excitement for almost Fridayness, I jumped the gun and went to the Friday Five a little early. No, I'm really not this pathetic normally. I was SOOOO tired when I came in from work that I went straight to bed, and got up at ten. Then Dwana called and we caught up on her surgery follow-up, etc. Now it's a little after eleven and I'm munching on a soy chicken pattie (with mustard) because my blood sugar's running high. It does that if I go for hours without eating, especially if I sleep. You'd think it would do the opposite, wouldn't you? Eating gets my system flushing through with insulin. So, it works that way. Ah, the things you learn about the body when you need to. I'm just glad that I don't have the issues Dwana has to learn about. The human reproductive system is both a miracle to behold and a mystery. Or, depending on your view, a strange mistake in plumbing. I mean, human cloning is on the horizon and we don't even know how the endocrine system works yet? I mildly lost sanity when I realised the vagina was corrugated. That endometriosis can cause you to bleed in strange places like the nose and knee really sent me for a loop. But I've been truly scarred ever since I learnt that the Fallopian tubes will actually cross the abdomen to catch an egg if the other is damaged. (I can't possibly reproduce the sound of my head spinning here, with a sort of wacka-wacka sound, so you'll have to supply your own).
So, how did my day go? Glad you asked. :) I have now applied for no less than four jobs. Go me! There's one in Richmond (which I think is filled--the posting went down two days after I applied), one in Morehead, one at Frankfort, and a part-time one here in Lexington. Job-hunting is exhausting, and I haven't even started the deal-with-the-unemployment-office bit yet! I was up until three in the morning last night working on one, chugging along, finished that, and then checked the time and said 'holy &^^&%%$! I have to get up in 5 hours!' I finished the not-fun-by-any-means state application today, sent it off by e-mail, and was getting ready to send a follow-up fax when I realised I'd mistyped my birthyear as 1937. Oh, yeah, add 30 years there, bub. I'm not 36--I'm 66 years old looking for work because I've been laid off, with only about a decade of library experience. Sigh. Really. I. Am. Competent. Although when I mentioned the goof to a co-worker, she was surprised they even asked for a birthdate on a job application. I think it's to prove I'm old enough to work. Hopefully they won't think I'm a doofus just because of a typo.
On the flea front, have I mentioned I hate the suckers? Oh, I know they are part of the circle of life, and I generally try not to kill living creatures, and all that, but they mostly seem to serve as population control in the form of plague-bearers. The new medicine isn't knocking them out, either. I don't know if it's just a bumper crop or if like so many other things they've become immune to our pathetic human attempts at pesticide. I think tomorrow I'm going to have to get Cerys to lay down in water until the bugs drown before taking her for a visit. It's a temporary measure, but it has a better chance of working. We're all being eaten alive. The fish may have to be sacrificed for the greater good (if I flea bomb the house), although if I do that I'll do my best to cover the aquarium vents up. Also, it is way to hot to move the animals out to the non-functioning car for a couple of hours. Sigh. I wonder if I could rig things so we could sit out on the porch and no one gets away for a couple of hours. We'd probably just bring more of the fleas inside. :( That brings out all sorts of other things, since eating fleas can cause the animals to get worms. At least I have wormer if they pick those up. I still remember asking a vet if I could pick up worms--you get mostly immune to the idea of dealing with gross stuff when you have pets, but worms are right out in my book-- and she was, like, well, only if you eat the fleas.
Do you ever wonder why I have to approach my life with humour? The only other option is to go bonkers.
Well, I need to do a little Internet research. I'll pop back after midnight. :)
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