
Sunday, August 31, 2003

I have a cat perched on my monitor

He's been quietly squeezed in between the hutch and the monitor whilst I watch Nature and Mystery! on PBS. Darius loves having something above him, where he thinks no one can see him. When I first moved to this apartment, and I had the cats in the bathroom as we moved in the furniture, he sat under the soap dish that is attached to the wall in an effort to hide from the people who were coming in and out. Silly cat. His favourite spot to hide, though is under the aquarium. He slinks behind it and then sounds so surprised when I open the door to the cabinet and expose him to the world. :)

It's been a lovely, peaceful day, save for a thunderstorm as I was trying to catch the bus earlier. I played the game (cultists! and books! and ghouls! oh my!) and then came home and spent time with the animals watching public television. I'm thinking of going to bed a little early tonight (I stayed up until about 4 this morning, and although tomorrow's a holiday, I don't want to get too far off track in terms of sleeping.

Once work starts back on Tuesday, I'll have only four more days of my original schedule. On September 8th, I drop down to 20 hours per week, from 10 am to 2:30 pm Monday-Friday (at least I still get my lunch). Part of me is like, agh!!! Part of me's looking forward to it, at least temporarily. It's been awhile since I had such a flexible schedule. There were a couple of jobs to apply for in the classifieds today--one at my old haunt as a survey research supervisor, and one as a librarian. Ah, what fun. I guess the classifieds and I are going to become friends. And of course, I have to go next Monday and apply for unemployment. If there's any trouble with that, you'll see lots of panic on these pages, but until then, I'm trying to remain calm and just work on living life and getting a decent job I can find some stability with. And in the meantime I can use the extra time to write, to talk to the professors at school about finishing up, to work on the house, etc., etc. If I start ranting about being bored or start sounding like a slacker, please feel free to write me and tell me to get going already.

Okay, enough for now. If you're on holiday, too, happy holiday.

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