Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, October 06, 2014

Having some down time

Today I finished an audit,  did all of my regular stuff at work,  decorated for Halloween,  and sent in that book review and copyright form.  Afterwards I got gas (I was  on  empty),  came home,  took care of some personal business,  making sure my utilities remained on.  Then I had some gastrointestinal issues and rested for awhile till the pain stopped. I got up, ate, and blogged.  I can't say I have worked on the house at all tonight,  but I am enjoying just having a little downtime.  Right now I am listening to soft music under soft lighting. I am pretty relaxed. I will probably turn in early.  Tomorrow I will check on my friends.  Wednesday one has an appointment,  so I may take the laptop and with on the notes for the game.

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