
Monday, December 10, 2012

This should be shown to high schoolers as part of an anti-drug campaign

The horror of Meth: Before-and-after pictures reveal shocking transformation in faces of users hooked on deadly drug

Warning, the pictures are very disturbing. One is burn victim as a result of cooking meth. Most are mug shots, but one looks to be a death photo.

I used to work with a woman who was a recovering meth addict. She had just a few teeth, and she told me her meth use was why. I didn't realise how much it could wear away at your body at the time. And then there's what it must do to your brain. As graphic as these photos are, I would show them to a teenaged kid of mine to show him or her what it does, and why it shouldn't be tried. It is so very addicting. It is rampant in our area, and lots of others. I've seen what it does to a small degree. But living that life, or having people close to you who are flushing their lives down the toilet over drugs, is another thing altogether, and I feel very bad for those caught up in it all. I've seen what 'just' pot use did to someone I care about, who thankfully got help and is doing well now. I'm so glad he never got into this. And I've seen young men, relatives by marriage, stealing from their own grandmother to get one more hit of whatever they're on. It's really a shame.

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