Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What few stances I tried were hard on my knees

I do better with yoga. But it's good news to see that tai chi can be useful in treating fibromyalgia....

Tai Chi Reported to Ease Fibromyalgia
The ancient Chinese practice of tai chi may be effective as a therapy for fibromyalgia, according to a study published on Thursday in The New England Journal of Medicine.

A clinical trial at Tufts Medical Center found that after 12 weeks of tai chi, patients with fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition, did significantly better in measurements of pain, fatigue, physical functioning, sleeplessness and depression than a comparable group given stretching exercises and wellness education. Tai chi patients were also more likely to sustain improvement three months later.

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