Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, November 03, 2008

Today's to-do

1) Get some rest (14 hours of sleep!)
2) Start cleaning the house (living room is being torn apart so that it can be put back together again)
3) Reschedule an appointment (made it for next Monday)
4) Check on my electric bill, as I got a phone call from Kentucky Utilities this morning (called and got a one-day extension for Thursday)
5) Call the state of Kentucky regarding some funds I owe them/transferring them Thursday (called and set up a payment for Thursday)
6) Work at the store (worked truck night)

and maybe some game notes if I feel like it when I get home.

Okay, I went a little heavy on the whole sleep thing, but it's the first day of a three day vacation, so it's not that unexpected. Actually I got a fair amount of sleep over the weekend for a change, because I got home early on Friday (9 pm is early as far as I'm concerned), I got to sleep in late Saturday (worked 2-10 pm), was going to stay up working on game notes all Saturday night but the game was cancelled, got an extra hour of sleep due to the time change, and then came in about three hours later than I'd originally planned to help out a friend with cleaning (I usually do that for the game anyway). I got home about oh, 7 or 8 pm last night and was in bed by 10 pm). Okay, enough for a quick update. Time to carry on.

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