Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Do I just have a blazing neon sign on my car?

I got stopped by the police again last night--a block from where I started, because I didn't come to a complete stop at a stop sign. I guess I was distracted by my own thoughts and not really concentrating on driving. Fortunately he gave me a warning rather than a ticket. But I am beginning to wonder if my driving is deteriorating or if I just have had some bad luck when it comes to being in the car lately. Well, actually, that's wrong. It's my fault I was stopped, not the universe's. But it's still frustrating.

I did have a bit of good luck yesterday, too, because for the second time this year someone pulled out in front of my at the corner of Lakeshore and Richmond (they were turning left from Richmond to Lakeshore while I was approaching. They were basically turning blind, since you can't see the oncoming traffic because of the cars in the opposite turn lane.) I had to swerve, but we didn't T-bone. I'm thinking of contacting the councilman for that area, whom I've worked with, to see about getting a protect arrow installed on that light. It couldn't hurt, anyway.

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