Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Jell-O can give you perspective

This morning it was orange Jell-O for breakfast, with a spoon, obeying all safety precautions, and it all got where it was supposed to be this time. Sometimes life gives you a recheck on your perspective. A couple of weeks ago I was worried about tons of meaningless things; now I'm just focusing on getting better.

I need to call my family doctor on Monday to ask about adjusting my insulin. My glucose is running much lower than normal--not dangerously so, but normal, just not normal for me, so for now I've halved my medicine and am monitoring it closely, adjusting as it seems fit, but making sure I don't go too low. Once I'm well, I need to remember to eat one or two small things every two hours rather than actual meals, because this seems to be working to keep my blood sugar on track. For example, breakfast was a Jell-O cup and a trail mix bar. Lunch may be a serving of vegetarian chili and probably not even crackers. That sort of thing. I can tell I've lost more weight, but not how much. I wouldn't recommend it as a weight-loss approach, but there might be some good that comes out of all this.

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