Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I just want to thank you

for reading this blog, whether you've been doing so for years, or if you're new to it. I started it eleven years ago (as of the 18th of this month) in an attempt to put my feelings into words. For the first time, I was able to really keep a journal. I chose to make mine public, and I probably overshare to some degree. Blogs like mine are part vanity, part personal journey, part information. It's never been a high-traffic site, but it's had a steady following, and I really appreciate that. I find it somewhat comforting that people out there actually are interested in what I say, at least to some degree, and that I'm not just writing things out into the aether, but there are real people sitting in front of their screens reading my words.

Tomorrow will be a difficult day for me. I can't go into the details, but I'm very nervous and a little scared. I've had reason to examine my own mortality of late, and while it is highly unlikely that anything so dire will happen tomorrow, it will happen sometime, so let me just take this opportunity to thank you for following along on my journey. May it be a long and (mostly) happy one for years to come.

For my friends and family, thank you for being with me and supporting me at a time of stress and pain. I love you all, and wish you the best.

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