Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bleh. I'm awake.

I was helping a friend look some things up on the Internet last night and got to a point where sitting in the chair really hurt, and we were basically finished and I went on home, took some ibuprofen and a small bit of muscle relaxant, and I was out for the night. I didn't manage to get up early and work on the notes (and we are playing). But I got up early enough to have some veggie sausage, some Greek yoghurt, and an apple (a big breakfast for me, especially on a weekend). I have a lot to do with my friends today, so I thought I should power up. :) I also have a lot of laundry to do over there, so I'm going to go get ready and put that in the car. Hope you have a good weekend!

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