Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, October 02, 2013


Terrifying Lake Turns Birds Into Statues
Lake Natron is an insidious ​trap for the birds of northern Tanzania: The terrifying lake turns to stone all birds that are foolish enough to immerse themselves or unlucky enough to fall into its deceptive water.

Volcanic ash from the nearby Great Rift Valley contaminated Lake Natron with sodium carbonate and baking soda to the point that only extremophile fish like the alkaline tilapia can survive there, while other animals that take a dip will soon thereafter feel their bodies begin to calcify and harden until they look as if they've had a run-in with the White Witch or Medusa.
There's also a slideshow at: Deadly Lake Waters Turn Birds to Stone

The photos of birds and bats are strange and eerie. They are by photographer Nick Brandt, who took dead, preserved animals and put them in life-like poses on natural perches.

1 comment:

Bob said...

What amazing photos, thanks for the link. Natron is also the substance used by the ancient Egyptians in the process of mummification, by the way.