Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, February 25, 2011

Well, that's reassuring

Last night at some ungodly hour I went on my bank's website, and everything looked normal except the balances for my accounts were $0.00. This was a bit disconcerting. I told myself that most website maintenance is done in such a wee hour of the night as this, but there was no indication on the site that it was under maintenance. Everything else was intact, even the points on my card. I checked this morning and everything's back to normal. Whew. Makes you really wonder where all those electronic funds go in the case of an emergency, doesn't it?

Also, I got no sleep last night, except possibly a bit between 8:15 and 9 this morning. I had vivid dreams where I was having colourful images and even some narrative play out before my eyes, but I was perfectly aware of being awake and in bed the whole time, so I wasn't really asleep. I tossed, I turned, I was just--awake. So now I feel incredibly tired but it's almost time for work. I guess the whole cab thing revved me up. Tonight I'll probably crash. I'm used to operating on little sleep at times, but not without any. I'm too old to pull one-nighters like I did as a college student. This should be an interesting day.

Okay, off I go. Have a great day.

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