Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, February 18, 2011

I fell asleep last night

without taking my insulin. It's 174 dl/mg right now, which is better than it had been but high for me now, and I feel very groggy. Not sure what to do. Seems like the safest thing would be to just skip the dose and do it right tonight. I'll check with my doctor's office to be sure. With 20 units of long-acting insulin, I don't want to accidentally double-up tonight. But man, I feel hung over, like when my blood sugar would be 300 before. It's funny how your body gets used to a certain level. To give you an idea, it was 117 this time yesterday, although it did go up to right over 200 before lunch because I had a peanut butter sandwich with a little spreadable fruit on it for breakfast, and that was apparently too much carb-wise. Sigh. I had a piece (not big) of cake the other day for an open house and did just fine. I eat a PBJ sandwich and it goes through the roof. I don't always get how this works. I am taking my morning meds right now rather than waiting till I get to work so that they can start working on it, and eat just a little. That should help.

PS I did call and was told to go ahead and take it.

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