Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sorry I haven't posted

Tonight I came home, took a nap, and then spent a couple of hours on the phone with a friend. I think last night I roughly did the same, except not so much on the phone. I've barely gotten on the Internet other than to check the weather or do an interlibrary loan at either home or work. This is odd, as I pretty much spend most of my day on the computer and a good bit of it online. As a result of my absence, my newsfeeds are backed up already.

Today I was sleepy and had a slight headache through much of the day. I checked my blood sugar, which was okay, but it finally hit me that I had not had any caffeine today. I had paid my cell phone bill and had something like $3 in my bank account, too little to really access from work and no change for soda. Fortunately I just checked and my direct deposit for my pay has hit the bank, so tomorrow I should be able to pay my rent and some bills and yes, even get a soda or two. :)

Okay, I think I'll take my insulin and head back to bed. Tomorrow is another day. Maybe with a little caffeine in my system I can actually post something meaningful tomorrow. On the plus side, however, I drank the equivalent of 12 eight-ounce glasses of water today, something I don't do nearly as much as I should.

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