Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So tired

As you know, I couldn't sleep last night until pretty late, and then it wasn't the best sleep. But I got up on time, had a good day at work, etc. Then I went over to a friend's house and worked on his house and now I am quite tired. I did everything I normally do on Sundays except for dusting and computer maintenance. That'll have to be left for Wednesday. Tomorrow I have another night to myself, so I'll work on my living room and kitchen but try to do something fun, too. And I need to call my mom.

I'm also tired tonight because I'm weepy and emotional, no doubt due to my hormones. Just thinking about the Ood singing to Doctor Who during his demise set me off crying, for example. I cried a good bit tonight for various reasons, and it's taken a toll as well. Fortunately I have a friend who's pretty tolerant of hormonal outbursts.

But for now, I'm going on to bed. Sorry for such a brief post. I'm sure my news reader is full of interesting items to blog about. But I'll have more time tomorrow. Take care, and good night.

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