Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm drowning in paper

It's amazing how much paper one can accumulate in one room. Unfortunately, you have to go through each piece to make sure it's not important. Some things are, like prescriptions and flexible spending receipts and pay stubs, for example. Most were on the loveseat, but I've tucked all sorts of stuff here and there in the living room. Just about every horizontal surface is covered with stuff, whether paper or not. I'm making progress, but I'm not finished, even after over an hour of dedicated weeding.

I have completed my census form and called my mother. It looks like we're going to try to have me visit Monday night, if my schedule stays like the preliminary one I found. Then I can come back on Tuesday. I must remember my CPAP machine this time. My mom's had some sort of viral stomach bug and wasn't feeling too great, but seemed to be getting over it. By Monday she shouldn't be contagious, thankfully.


Wednesday afternoon I spend dusting at YKWIA's.
Thursday evening I'm going to have dinner with Angelica and Teressa.
Friday's my birthday, and I'm hoping to go out to an Indian restaurant.
Saturday I work at the store, no doubt, it's just a matter of when.
Sunday I clean the game master's house and play in the game.
Monday evening I go over to my grandmother's.
Tuesday I'll have to ask off for and will come back from Danville.
Wednesday, if the schedule holds out, I'll work.

So I should be fairly busy, but have some time to do stuff like notes, hopefully.

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