
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Some random tidbits

  1. We finished the Antarctic adventure in the game today. Yay! The toll: one of our group is dead (9 total for the expedition, plus two more for the Germans), one lost his right leg, and two have very, very low sanities. All in a good several months' work for our game master. We are all relieved the campaign is over, including the person running it. It has worn us all down. And all the player characters were very new, on their second to fourth missions. All and all I suppose it's surprising we did as well as we did. After all, most of the 'doomed Starkweather-Moore expedition' did come back.
  2. I don't want to sound alarmist or like a hypochondriac [a common thing for me], but a little while ago I was driving along and I noticed that my right eye was numb and a little twitchy, my right hand was numb, and my right foot had pins and needles. A friend said my pupils looked okay and my grip was fine with both hands. It didn't last long. We decided to consider it a by-product of sleep deprivation (I only got two hours' sleep last night) rather than a small stroke. Hopefully, that's the case.
  3. I have been invaded by Drosophila repleta, in the fruit fly family but attracted to not only food but drains. They are small but very annoying.
  4. I am reading Jim Butcher's Death Masks and I was going along on my lunch break yesterday when I realised my book is missing thirty-some odd pages at a crucial juncture. Gah!
  5. Apparently our store ran out of regular unleaded the day of the run on gas (Friday). Down the street they ran out of everything. The gas truck guy said we were the fourth store he'd been to that day without some form of gas, and I got a couple of calls from people wondering if we had any. Fortunately I didn't work on Friday, although I went in to another store and the cars were four deep; Saturday the gas truck arrived and although there were some glitches at the pumps, everything quickly became less frustrating. I know the gas did rise to $3.99, but come on people, did you really believe it would go to nearly $5 or beyond? We have a fairly aggressive attorney general who is quick to prosecute a company for price gouging. The run on gas was enormous and without warrant.

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