Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Without a Trace? Good grief

TV Stations Fined Over CBS Show Deemed to Be Indecent - New York Times

Networks are increasingly in a tough spot between competition with cable stations that do not have such stringent requirements and the FCC's ability to fine for things it considers indecent, even when a show is reflecting something that does happen in real life. Apparently the episode of 'Without a Trace' (an excellent show by the way) suggested teens were participating in an orgy.

Like that never happens in real life, right? And I suppose the mere implication is such that it'll cause all those teen viewers to go out and have lots of sex in groups. Go figure. Come on, the show's at 10 pm and draws many of its story lines from real life. Cut it a break.

The article points out that special interest groups, not individuals, lodge the most complaints. I'm sure that's true. And of course, the FCC is now run by a Republican who seems bent on taking a hard line on indecency.

The FCC should be more concerned with violence on television than indecency, in my opinion. Flagrant offences, like the famed Janet Jackson fiasco--especially if it were contrived rather than accidental--are one thing. Just mentioning sex is a totally different thing altogether, at least in my opinion.

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