Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, March 23, 2006


My allergies have been worse since I've been spending more time outdoors walking and waiting for buses. It's kicking in my asthma, which is usually so mild I'll go 3 months without having to use my inhaler. Now I feel like I'm wheezing constantly. Oh, well. This, too, shall pass (and I'll go from tree pollen problems to grass pollen, at least).

I'm working at the gas station 20 hours again this week, so I worked Tuesday and Wednesday and I'll be working today, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The money's a good thing, and I've gotten my first raise, but it means I'll be pretty busy. The last couple of days I've worked 6-hour shifts; today and tomorrow will be 5, and I'll get out relatively early, at 9, which is good for the walk home.

One thing I've forgotten about being a pedestrian is how much more you notice of the world around you. That's actually been a plus. I do a lot of people watching on the bus and at the station; it's interesting to see such a cross-section of people.

Another thing I'm glad about is that all the buses have cameras now. I guess this was in response to an incident last year or the year before when a guy tried to take over a bus. I have to admit, I feel a little safer, and the buses seem to be newer models and in better shape than last time I was riding, too.

That's all for now; my break's over. At least it's sunny if not warm. Hope you're corner of the world is alright.

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