Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

He's right

A friend admonished me last night when we went out to Graeter's (a long-running [since 1870] local ice cream shop for getting two scoops of chocolate almond coconut in a waffle dish instead of one scoop in a dish, given my diabetes. And he's right. I am piggy about food, especially sweets, and I need to learn more moderation especially with my blood sugar issues. I was thinking of it as a special treat, but really, if you treat yourself regularly, it becomes habit. And although I have cut out desserts at lunch, I've been eating my regular Pop-tart for breakfast. Again, not a good choice. Today I had a bagel and cream cheese, which probably isn't that much better, but was the best choice of what was available. I need to invest in some form of decent breakfast food, or start coming to work when they're still serving breakfast in the cafeteria. Any suggestions for a good rounded meal that's got protein, little sugar, and isn't meat or eggs? [I eat eggs, but I am allergic to them, so I probably shouldn't eat them every day.]

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