
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Amazing what you can do if you get up

two hours early. By the time I got to work (a few minutes early), I had:

  1. Picked up my paycheque, complete with 3% raise (yipee!)
  2. Cashed said cheque
  3. Paid my electric bill
  4. Eaten a (nourishing?) breakfast of egg and cheese biscuits with yoghurt parfait--hey, it's better than my normal pop-tart
  5. Read through the second murder in my current mystery (Cardington Crescent, by Anne Perry)
  6. Picked up the following books they were holding from the library:
    • Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic, by catherine yronwode
    • Bud, Blossom, & Leaf: the Magical Herb Gardener's Handbook, by Dororthy Morrisson
    • Witchcraft Medicine: Healing Arts, Shamanic Practices, and Forbidden Plants, by Claudia Mueller-Ebeling, Christian Raetsch, and Wolf-Dieter Storl.

Can you tell I'm doing some garden planning? Plus, today is beautiful, it will be warm, it's sunny, the birds are singing, and the fence is almost finished. And then the planting shall commence. :)

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