Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


how people whose insecurity is only assuaged by money and material things can be totally dickwads when someone who appears to be homeless offers them money instead of begging:

I would have probably reacted like the one woman who he hugged. At least, I would hope so. The rest of them? They need some time in someone else's shoes to learn that money, while useful, doesn't dictate who is better than whom, and it shouldn't be what your self-esteem is based upon. In the end, we all end up in the cradle of death, and it doesn't matter what car we drove or the balance on our bank account. Our legacy is the difference we made in other people's lives, and the reasons we gave them to remember us. The people who were abusive may be rich in things, but they are poor in life. (This was a video YKWIA happened upon tonight and showed me).

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