Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, June 16, 2014

Today we watched two things of interest

The first being the Leonardo DiCaprio/Tobey Maguire version of The Great Gatsby which, with the exception of some anachronistic music, was very entertaining. I thought the acting was well done, the costumes were to die for, the settings were dead on, and the spectacle of the parties superb. It had real style. But then, it was directed by Baz Luhrmann, so that isn't unexpected. And although my memory of the book isn't very clear, refreshing my memory with a plot synopsis online shows that the movie touched on all the main points, as it should have. I could have used a little more jazz and a lot less rap, but that's really my only gripe.

After the movie A retired to Masterpiece Mystery on PBS in the bedroom and YKWIA and I watched 'Salem' on WGN in the living room. I must say that series gets progressively better each week. There are four more episodes to go this season, I think. That should get us through a good portion of the summer, and then all our shows should be over for now until 'Doctor Who' starts up in August.

I am home now, but it is, however, quite late (nearly 1 am), so I am going to head on to bed. Hope you had a good weekend. Good night.

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