Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, June 02, 2014


I've walked 7742 steps today, which is 4.35 miles and burned 777 calories. Not bad for a weekend. I have also cleaned my friends' house (slowly, taking my time), did a couple of loads of my laundry (it's so nice to be caught up on that; I just have a small hamper each week), went to Lowe's and my friend got something but I found some glass shades which match my lamp pretty well to replace the one I broke. Then YKWIA and I watched some things that hurt my brain, including 'Mice Bikers from Mars' (although I liked 'Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys', as it had a lot of humour. Then we did a total turnabout and watched 'Salem', which just keeps getting more interesting. Now I'm home, the lampshades are on, my groceries are put away, but my laundry is going to wait till tomorrow, I'm afraid. It's sitting neatly in the dining room for now.

Okay, I'm going on to bed. Hope you had a nice weekend, and good luck in the coming week.

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