Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, July 01, 2011

What a productive four hours

I have:
  1. Walked to my physical therapist's.
  2. Had my neck stretched on the rack...um...traction machine there.
  3. Taken the bus to McDonald's for a couple of egg and cheese biscuits.
  4. Talked to YKWIA the phone awhile there and waiting for the bus.
  5. Taken the bus to Kroger to pick up medicine that was not there because they were out. They should have more tomorrow, I hope, for it is my Lamictal, and bad things can happen if you go off it.
  6. Gotten a few groceries.
  7. Talked to another friend about something he wants me to do for him on the computer.
  8. Stopped by the bank for a roll of quarters for laundry.
  9. Taken the bus back to my home stop.
  10. Walked home.
  11. Eaten a light lunch.
  12. Talked with a friend about coming over for lunch (and who knows what) tomorrow.

All this in a short amount of time. I took three buses, but got the same driver, who is very nice and is my normal driver in the morning, each time. I am now going to rest (but not sleep) for a bit and then get up and do the computer stuff for my friend.

PS YKWIA called me this morning to point out that if I'm reaping bad karma (and actually all karma is bad, traditionally), then the whole thing with the IRS really was my fault. Another friend, who is generally clueless, grokked that if I'd paid my taxes when I was supposed to then it wouldn't have happened, hence the whole thing is my fault. But...I hate when I get screwed trying to be responsible.

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