
Thursday, July 28, 2011

That was a mistake

The last two nights, I have slept between 12-13 hours. This is in large part due to the lack of any caffeine.

Guess what? Tonight I had WAY too much, had a caffeine high that I think rather alarmed YKWIA (I may have even had push of speech), and now, I can't sleep whatsoever.

I want to get up and do things. If I had a car, I'd go shopping for some things I need around here, now that I've gotten paid. But I don't really feel like tackling the closets and drawers tonight, even with the caffeine rush, and I've fiddled with my phone while lying in bed for as long as I could stand. (I even finally got a paid application from the Android store tonight--ironically, it's an alarm feature that allows you to gently wake up with a pre-alarm that is designed to only awake you from a light sleep cycle, followed by a ramp in to a louder alarm 30 minutes later after you've been nudged from deep sleep by the previous alarm. It was €1.99 (about $2.88). I checked my bank account to make sure something odd didn't happen due to the currency exchange between the dollar and Euro. Apparently Google gets a $1 fee on top of that. I'm not sure why, if that's for all of them or not. But that's substantial given that most applications are $0.99-2.99.)

Okay, it's 3:40 am. I'm going to try to go back to sleep. Wish me luck, but of course, it's my own fault. :|

Man, caffeine makes me manic in large quantities. I wonder if there's a link to mania and caffeine for people with bipolar disorder or if everyone juiced up on the stuff does this? So glad I don't do energy drinks. :)

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