I talked with both my new boss (for the data entry position) and my boss from the store today. The first explained more about what the sheets I'm working from and the screens will look like, what sort of pay grade it is (about what I expected, between what I make at the gas station and as a librarian, and completely welcome), hours, etc. We're going to shoot for 10:30 am-7 pm for both jobs Monday-Friday to start, and adjust as necessary. Meanwhile, my boss at the store had no problem with putting me on a Saturday-only schedule. With trucks coming during the day now and a new part-time person coming in for nights, it works for her, too.
So here's what it looks like:
Sunday (Cleaning and game, with a grocery run every two weeks)
Monday-Friday (Catch the 10:10 bus, work at the library from 10:30 am-2:30 pm and the data entry position from 2:30 pm-7 pm with a break for lunch in there somewhere. Catch the 7:30 bus home, be home by 8 pm.)
Saturday (Walk to work at the gas station, usually will be 2 pm-10 pm, but could be anywhere in the 10 am-10 pm range)
That's 48 hours, same as I'm doing now. Doctor's appointments and such need to be early in the day. The only real cons to the new job: It's temporary, I won't be able to see my friends as a general rule except on Sunday, unless I take a cab home from their house, and there's no back up person; if I have to be out, I have to catch up, and we have a limited window to get the data input, so I can't take more than a day or so off at once, but that's how I tend to do it anyway. Pros: More money, more money going into my retirement, working full-time at one place, less strain on feet, not getting in as late at night, etc. All in all, as our nursing director put it, it's a win-win situation.
I also told the data entry boss about my plans for the Joan Baez concert July 20th and there was no problem. I'd just have to leave a little early to make it to a 7:30 showing. I'm still waiting on my ticket for that (it was printed on the 8th).
So anyway, there is much happiness in my world at the moment. I need to clarify whether I start July 1st or the Monday before so I can tell my store boss. Gee, I have three bosses now!
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