
Monday, June 07, 2010

I'm usually just getting home by now

Instead, I have:
  1. Done four loads of laundry (I had enough quarters for and meant to do the bedding, but then didn't think of it again until the others were already far in the washing process, and I didn't want to add much more time to what I was doing.)
  2. Did one large load of dishes.
  3. Filled seven garbage bags with stuff I don't need that needs to go away.
  4. Talked to a friend from work who has had a very bad night at work twice on the phone.
  5. Went through over five hundred news feeds in Google Reader.
  6. Napped for about an hour and a quarter.
All in all, it was a productive night. There's still more to do, of course. There are a few dishes that can't go into the dishwasher to do. I need to take out the garbage. I should probably do a little maintenance on the bathroom. The aquarium needs more water. But a lot of detritus has been removed, and it looks tons better. I'm going to go relax for a bit and then come back to the computer and start game notes if I don't get too relaxed.

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