Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, June 02, 2010


I am at home. You know the phrase 'can't drag myself out of bed'? That happened this morning. I wasn't just oversleeping, though. My blood sugar was nearly 400 this morning, I was extremely tired and out of it, and my nose has been going, too, although I think that is incidental related to allergies. I felt awful. So I called in and went back to bed. Now--three hours later--the glucose levels have fallen by over 150 points and I feel...well, slightly hung over. In retrospect I don't remember taking my meds yesterday and I ate badly before going to bed (I had some Oreos). Tomorrow I see my doctor about my diabetes. This is the first time I've ever actually missed work over my blood sugar, but I have to admit, I'd have been absolutely useless. Next step, go take my medicine for today and find something that won't bludgeon my sugar into oblivion to eat.

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