Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, April 23, 2010

But first

Great quote for me to remember, from Ovid's 'Epistulae ex Ponto':
Nemo leditur nisi a seipso
Nobody suffers except by his own doing

Of course, YKWIA's been telling me this for years. It just sounds better in Latin. :) :) :)

(Please don't kill me, YKWIA. I know, I would have listened to you ever so much earlier if only you'd had a British accent. And there's no sense in beating your head into the table, either.)

Anyway, it's one I need to take to heart. I found it on the Latin Quotes page's discussion of Casanova's mottoes (he, too, was a librarian, you know).

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