Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, January 02, 2009

Okay, theoretically

yesterday was just a glitch and my card (which is active, with a balance of $3,120 on it), should work in getting my medicines. So I get to try again, today.

I just took a shower and feel nice and clean. I've eaten and taken my medicine, including a vitamin. (My nails were breaking badly and I decided it was time for Flintstones again. Hey, what can I say, I hate horse pills. Flintstones vitamins have 100% of everything an adult needs and they're chewable.)

The bed is made and the counters clean. The aquarium is so much clearer and I've adjusted the temperature. I've balanced my chequebook (yay, I can get gas and toilet paper and still have plenty left over). I'm just waiting for the floor in the bathroom to dry so I can sweep and mop (I got out of the shower to get a new facial scrub, and got water everywhere). I got new razor cartridges at the pharmacy yesterday. It amazes me how much more expensive the cartridges are for reusable razors than disposable or just the razor itself. Between that and the facial scrub (which did at least come with a trial tube of moisturizer) and a plug-in air freshener refill, I spent quite a bit more than I meant to of my regular money (as opposed to the flexible spending amount).

I think I'm going to do an hour or so of notes whilst waiting for the floor to dry. Then it's a quick sweep and maybe mop, calling about the leaky faucet, getting gas, trying the card again at the pharmacy, and then I have to be over at a friend's by 2:30. I work from 5:30-9 tonight; it's truck night since yesterday was a holiday. But I'm off tomorrow. Then there's the game prep and game itself on Sunday, and I'm back to work at both jobs on Monday. But I must admit, it's been a productive vacation, and I've still gotten rest.

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