Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I have made a discovery this muggy night

Bear with me, those of you raised on farms or otherwise knowing in the way of wild birds. None of the farms I lived on had geese.

Whenever I walk Cerys late at night, I hear the most unusual sound coming from the nearby wetland. I noticed it the first night I was here, and it seemed like a goose or a duck, but a low, regular, almost humming sound. After a couple of nights, it seemed so regular that I began to wonder if it were some sort of electric equipment; there are a few boxes in the same direction that belong to the phone company and electrical company.

But no, it is most definitely the geese. Check out the Mediaeval Bestiary : Goose for a description of the warning cries of geese, who are quite able 'watchdogs' and can smell humans better than any other animal. Lewis & Clark complained about their noise as well.

In the case of this area, the geese and ducks aren't so noisy as to encroach upon the homes around the pond. I can't hear them from inside, and even with how otherwise quiet it is here, I can only hear them if I come within about 50 yards of the area where they nest on the water. Still, it's kind of interesting. I've heard geese fly overhead at night (sounding like the Wild Hunt), but I didn't realise they made noise on the ground in the dark, too. I find the odd thrumming rather comforting.

By the way, I got most of the kitchen unpacked tonight. But I have inexplicably lost my roll of trash bags. Tomorrow I'll ask the house nicely for them back. It's so nice to have a clean apartment (minus the boxes everywhere) from which to start from scratch. Between Buns' illness and my depression, I let the last one go for stretches at a time. In the nearly two weeks I've been here I've swept twice, mopped once, taken the trash out twice, and cleaned out the catboxes every day-and-a-half, on top of putting furniture and stuff into place. I threw away a lot of junk (and put out some good stuff I really didn't have any room for) before I came here. There are maybe three boxes of papers and another four or five boxes of general stuff to go through. Everything else should be able to go straight to a place. Yipee! Order from chaos!!! And, not to be too anal, but I'm labelling my books as I sort through them with Dewey numbers (a friend is going to help me shelve them) and I'll hopefully be able to enter them into a database for easy reference. With about 3000, after all, I have a good sized personal library. I'm tired of accidentally getting the same book in a series of mysteries I'd already read, for example. There is one Anne Perry book I have bought twice and checked out of the library once, and I can't seem to ever find the one after that. :)

Okay, time to go. 'Night.

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