Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Some fun Thanksgiving facts

Thanksgiving 2012 Myths and Facts

Here's more on that 'first Thanksgiving':

The 1621 Thanksgiving

On a personal note, one of my ancestors, Edouard Bompasse, came here right after that, on the second ship to reach Plymouth Colony, the Fortune:

Ship Fortune's 1621 Arrival at Plymouth: The ship Fortune arrived at Plymouth Colony just after the Pilgrims celebrated their first Thanksgiving.

He's the first recorded ancestor in this country. We do apocryphally have native tribes in our lineage, but of course that wasn't really recorded, and while I'm supposed to be something like 1/16 Blackfoot with some Cherokee mixed in, I've never pursued that connexion because I have no cultural or real-life ties to the tribe or reservation, and I have enough respect for indigenous peoples that, unlike certain people I've known, I do not want to be part of the Wannabe tribe of mostly white people trying to be Indian. I knew one guy who kept coming up with strange fractions in a bid to be legally recognised as full Indian. He was blonde, blue-eyed, but would go about spouting stuff about the sacred hoop and how our ancestors killed his, never realising that he was a loon. Sure, I believe he had some Indian in his background. But he wasn't doing any of that out of respect for the culture--he was trying to be special, and trying way too hard.

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