Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I slept through the night, mostly

waking up just briefly a couple of times to reposition. It's warm in the apartment, but still in the 40s, so I'm not running the air conditioner, even though later it's supposed to be in the mid-60s. But I feel well. I've taken a baby-wipe bath and changed clothes. I've had a couple of fake-sausage, cheese, and egg biscuits from Morningstar Farms. I'm in a skirt today. I'm getting a little low on clothes but didn't want to bother anyone over the holiday. I'll call on Monday. I think I can stretch it till then.

The sky is a beautiful blue. It really is a tremendous Thanksgiving. How often do we get this weather near the end of November? Tomorrow's supposed to be cooler, and then I think we go down some more. But today should be glorious.

One of my co-workers is bringing me food from her family dinner later. She actually invited me to her family's celebration, but I declined. I didn't want to be an imposition and I'm kind of shy around people I don't know. But the food is appreciated. One of my other co-workers offered to bring some as well, but of course I already had some coming. They are both very sweet.

Most everyone I know is doing something today with family. My friends are going to celebrations out of town. And of course, I couldn't go to visit my family. So it's particularly nice that my friends at work are thinking of me. I really appreciate it.

On the agenda today is to work on the game notes and research the problem I'm having with the Windows 8 installation. Hope you have a good holiday, should you celebrate it. Hopefully it won't be too stressful. And hopefully you're actually off from work for today.

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