Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Weird thing of the day

I got a text from a Puerto Rico area code with a picture of two guinea pigs in a plastic laundry basket. Later a got a phone call without a voicemail, and then a text in Spanish asking if Kentucky is flooded. Obviously, they're meant for someone else, but it was an odd combination.

I did reply, using Google Translate. I do understand some Spanish, but I've forgotten a lot of grammar in the 30-odd years since I took it in school, so I hope this makes a certain amount of sense.

Sí, Kentucky está inundado. Estamos cansados de la lluvia. Sin embargo, creo que los textos que enviaste fueron para otra persona. No conozco a nadie en Puerto Rico. Es posible que desee verificar el número al que está enviando mensajes de texto. Gracias.
We'll see if there is a reply or whatever. :)

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