Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, August 24, 2014

So I came home tonight to discover

the police here, blocking part of our drive up to my apartment with a car, although only one car/officer seems to be here. The police officer seemed to be filling out a report. So I parked a few buildings over and rolled my laundry cart over to my apartment (there wasn't anything indicating danger), and there was a young girl sniffling on the steps to my building with a phone in her hand. I asked her if she knew why the police were here, and she said, 'I think they're here for me,' which was wonderfully vague, so I don't know if she's the victim or the criminal, but she was obviously upset, so I said, 'I hope it's nothing very serious' in a comforting tone and continued on into my apartment, figuring she probably didn't feel like answering a lot of questions. Now a young man who looks somewhat like her (maybe her brother?) is out there with her on the steps. I don't know if maybe there was a domestic situation and he's come to comfort her, or if there was a break-in, or what. So I'm pretty much staying out of it. I'm in the house, have put my food away, including some lovely asparagus deviled eggs (I went ahead and had a couple, and if I remember, I'll take the others to work tomorrow if I can. Actually, I keep forgetting, I have an appointment early in the morning with my endocrinologist, so maybe keeping them in the car, even that early, may not be such a good thing. Now I'm in the bedroom listening to some Loreena McKennitt music and trying to decide if I want to turn in early or stay up a bit longer. I have to get up by about 6:30, so I think I'll head on too bed. I've done housework, watched some more of 'The Black Adder' and an episode of 'World's Strictest Parents', and it's been a good day all around. I noticed that Jim Parsons has certain similarities to Rowan Atkinson. I don't know if he was influenced by him or not, but some of the mannerisms were similar between Sheldon and Edmund. Also, the king on 'The Black Adder', played by Brian Blessed, is barking mad, bonkers, delightfully insane. We did try to watch a movie from Netflix, but it had an irregularity in the disc and wouldn't play correctly, so we've reported it and I'll send it back tomorrow and they'll send another copy. I left and A was watching The Maltese Falcon and YKWIA was having a bit of supper that I'd fixed him. I'd done a couple of loads of laundry over there, too. A carried my cart out for me and put it in the trunk of the car. Fortunately it was fairly light, since I'm parked further away than normal.

Hope you had a good weekend. I think I'll turn in. Good night.

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