Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

I've been a busy bee

I went into work a little early this morning because I thought I'd have to go across town to the pharmacy today to get my insulin, but it turns out the person I know there was able to bring it by this evening, along with everything else, which is really good, because I have uncharacteristically lost one of my meds, maybe a day or two ago, and didn't realise it, and it's the one that if you go off it and then back, your skin could possibly slough off. So I was glad to see that, and my Lantus, too.

Because I was looking for a misplaced roll of quarters and said medicine, I spent a couple of hours working on the house. Along with straightening things up and managing to throw away a bag of stuff, I sorted all the laundry. At least I found the quarters in the recesses of my bag. No such luck with the medicine, but I have more now. The plan is to get up at 5 am and do said laundry, because there are several loads and I think it's going to take up quite a few of the washers, and hopefully no one else will be doing it then. If not, then I'll reduce the loads I do and at least get a couple in. But I'd rather do it all at once. That's the good thing about having a laundry room at your disposal rather than just a washer and dryer. While I'm at it I'll take out the recyclables, etc. Among other the things I think I'll need the hamper.

I also watched Monty Python's Life of Brian, which I have out from the library. It was fun to see again. I really miss Graham Chapman; he was always my favourite of the troupe.

Well, now I have my meds. I'm going to read for awhile so my insulin can get to room temperature before I take it, then head on to bed. I'm still working my way through Turn Coat and only have two more days on the loan. Good night.

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