Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I just shopped until I dropped--and I didn't spend a dime

Which is good, as I don't have even that to spare at the moment. One of my co-workers, who often gives me a ride home, 'kidnapped' me out to a sale where if you knew one of the employees, you could get 45% off, so she had several family members and co-workers give her their lists and saved a bunch of money. I went along as companion, finder, and to hold things, and in return she and her husband took me out to eat. So, I'm just getting home, but I also am happily full with a nice haddock dinner (especially nice, as I have a can of peaches and half a container of oatmeal at home, and while I like steel-cut Irish oats, I'm a little tired of it every night). [On the plus side, I've almost lost 3 lbs this week.] Fortunately payday is coming up soon, yay.:)

My trip is fast approaching, too. I'm starting to keep an eye on Chicago weather. I'm spending the night, flying there and back, in the next couple of weeks. I hope the weather is good. They were having wind issues today causing flight delays. Since this is a fly-there-stay-one-night-come-right-back sort of thing with meetings over two days, I don't want any delays. I'm borrowing an overnight carry-on bag from a co-worker since I know that it has the right dimensions. I need to get some quart-sized zip lock bags so that I can put my liquid containers in one (nothing over 3 ml). I need to get a few sample size things like shampoo, but I have toothpaste and contact lens solution already is smaller containers, and I checked my makeup and they're all alright. Plus the insulin should be fine. The plan is to wear the Birkenstocks in the terminal/on the plane, as they are simple to slip off and then just bring my boots in case of snow outside in the bag. I think I understand how to deal with the CPAP machine, too. So I don't have a lot of preparations left.

Speaking of weather, we had our first snow of the season today, although it didn't stick. It made quite a display during lunch, since our dining room has one wall of windows and we could watch it fall. It was lovely.

Okay, I think I'll sign off of here for now. Remarkably, I'm awake at this time of night and a little energised. I don't think I'm up to watching Forrest Gump (yes, I still have the DVD out), but I may read for awhile. Good night.

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