Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, November 04, 2011

I am up uncharacteristically early

I fell asleep early, so I guess it figures I should be awake at 4:30 in the morning, having gotten a full eight hours' sleep. I don't normally do that, of course. I've already had my shower, changed my stuff over from my backpack to my satchel, and done a few things around the house.

I must have slept on my hip wrong; it's hurting. I'm hoping it'll get better as I walk it out over the course of the day.

I do have a movie to watch, or I could do game notes. I think I'll at least transfer them over to the computer and get a feel for how long they'll take. We had downtime last weekend, no investigation or action scenes, so it shouldn't take long. (Investigation takes awhile, because there's all that useful information to include. Action scenes can be glossed over so there's not a blow-by-blow, but they're important. This was stuff that was more day-to-day stuff. Not unimportant, but it isn't necessary to put it all in with detail. Sometimes I can go through, say, five hours of downtime in about an hour or two. Long sessions or those with lots of investigation can take much longer.

I could read my newest Vicky Bliss library book, but I've got the Kindle charging and it's a little more awkward with the cord. The battery's actually not down that far (it lasts upwards to a month or more, and I have the old Kindle 2, which was only supposed to be 2 weeks), but I figured now was a good time to charge.

Truth be told, I'm starting to feel a bit sleepy again. I may go back to bed, at least until say, 7 o'clock. I'd rather there be some light outside, and it's not like I've got to be to work until mid-morning.

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