Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


  1. No package, with no indication that an attempt at delivery was made.
  2. When told I would be out of town two days next month, my doctor's office manager made an appointment to see a specialist on one of those two days, approximately an hour after my flight leaves.
  3. Worst of all, my friend who is facing eviction was told he did not qualify for help because of the very small, tiny, assistance he gets for his disability and the woman took the form from him, tore it up in front of him, and basically said 'we're done' right then. Gee. And she's in a 'helping profession'.
  4. And it's still freakin' raining. I still have a headache.


On a bright note, my doctor gave me as many samples as he could, including for my insulin, and told me to check back in three weeks, thereby saving me in co-pays until my flexible spending account refills at new year's.

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