
Friday, October 10, 2008

The sky is beautiful and full of stars

as a setting gibbous moon hangs overhead.

It's been a decent day in general, I suppose. I was finally able to place an order through our new computerised materials management system at work, but the Internet connexion fizzled this afternoon, too. My best self-quote of the day: 'I make a good beta tester; I'm a problem magnet.' This was mitigated with breakfast for lunch today (my favourite meal, not only for its content, but its cheapness--my whole meal was $2.10). But it took care of some of the frustration, although I found the main task sans Internet for me to do was go over the e-mails that had piled up in my inbox during my vacation, which I had been somewhat avoiding--just skimming for the important ones.

I signed up to renew my AAA membership today. They take out our dues from our paycheques in two instalments in November, always with the code 'flower fund'. :)

After work, I paid my rent, then had a nap between jobs. It wasn't long but was refreshing. I had the window open and the fan blowing on me.

I spent nearly every moment at job #2, except for checking in the truck and my 10-minute break, in the cooler organising and stocking, trying to remove as many boxes and crates as possible. Like everything else about the store, the cooler is way too small for the product we keep in there, so that means getting creative in stacking sometimes. The two of us who are regular second-shifters were off yesterday and the day before, with those borrowed from other stores filling in, so I don't think the cooler was really done that well, or at least they weren't able to find everything that needed stocking. I was frozen by the time I got home, although not as cold as the girls who were working out front. They're small and don't have the fat layer I have. I can be working in the cooler with the fans running full for awhile without really losing that much heat. But tonight was longer than usual.

Then it was over to YKWIA's to read more of Lumley. We're doing two chapters a night right now. I didn't get over there until after 10 because he was watching 'Supernatural' and didn't want to be disturbed, so I was over there pretty late. Plus, I watched a little of Keith Olbermann whilst I was there, since I enjoy his show [what can I say, I'm liberal to a fault and so I like it. Did you know he was raised a Unitarian? That was the last and only type of church I'd belong to. I left only because they harangued for money too much, but I still agree with the ideals.] He had Sarah Silverman on. She'd done a video urging Jews to schlep over to Florida and convince their grandparents to vote for Obama. What can I say, it's something only she could pull off, I suspect. They didn't show the whole thing on TV (and I can see why) but it's pure Sarah (so you know there are expletives, right?)

Anyways, so I'm just now getting home. My shoes are off, I've eaten a few pretzels, and it's off to bed. 'Night.

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