
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

At work several of us are going as various characters from The Wizard of Oz. I'm the tin woodsman. Well, tin woodswoman, I suppose. I've got grey face paint, several sizes of aluminum foil-covered posterboard, and duct tape. We also have Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow, Glenda the Good, and the Wicked Witch of the West.

It's amazing what a week will do for fortune. Yesterday evening I was able to get two used tyres put on the car ($55) and groceries ($80) with some money still left over from my paycheque. It's the first time I've really bought groceries (as opposed to bread and peanut butter or animal food) in a long time. I actually have things to pack for lunch. I have fruit. I have pumpkin ice cream. I have sourdough bread and an assortment of cheeses. I have black cherry Fresca. Okay, so I splurged a little. But that's on top of paying the cable modem bill, the phone bill, and filling the car with gas. This week's cheque will mostly go to electric and gasoline, but again, I'm operating ahead. That extra money from working in the lab is really helping. The key this time too is that I'm keeping it tracked in a little notebook so I don't go crazy with the debit card.

I felt really good yesterday. I expect part of it is that I was in bed by 10 pm and got a lot of rest. Last night I stayed up to 2 am, so I don't feel as rested. But I'm excited by it being Halloween. But it will be a busy one--I have to work both jobs and then work on the game notes, then I'll do a little religious observance since it is, after all, a holiday.

Speaking of Paganism, I got confirmation that my membership in Hellenion was approved and I'm now official. Yay!

Well, that's all for now--time to go to work. Hope you have a wonderful holiday.

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