Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
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Friday, May 12, 2006

More on Google Health

Google Co-op - Health

Google Health is part of Google Co-op, which allows participants to label and annotate web pages.

Significant contributors are the National Library of Medicine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health On The Net Foundation, Harvard Medical School, Mayo Clinic, University of California, and San Francisco Kaiser Permanente

Not bad. Try it out. I found it very useful with syndromes and drug information without all those online fly-by-night "pharmacies" that tend to have useless links. One of the things I came across was the FDA's Statement on ADDerall in response to Canada pulling the drug for ADHD after cases of sudden unexplained death happened with patients with underlying heart problems. I knew that was an issue with the drug (my doctor told me about it and checked to make sure I had no heart irregularities before putting me on it), but I had not seen the statement, yet it came up on the first page of this search.

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