Dems Credential BLoggers; GOP Will, Too
I think I'd be rather pissed if I'd booked a hotel and plane and then was told by the Dems that 'oops, it was a mistake, you can't come to our party'. And I think I would have tried to make sure where on the political spectrum a blog perched either wasn't factor at all or a representative, diverse group was chosen--especially when you're supposed to be the 'party of the people'. Do they choose regular journalists based on ideology, I wonder? I suspect not. Still, it's the first year, it's a learning curve, and hopefully they'll have established, less-subjective criteria next year. I'm sure the GOP, having been cautious and not announced their intent until after the Dems plunged into the morass of the blogosphere, will make fewer mistakes. There's something to be said for being innovating, and I suppose something to be said for being cautious.
I have to admit, I'd have liked to go, although I don't have the money for travel, this isn't a political blog per say, and although it's got a healthy readership, it's probably nowhere near the pundit blogs, so I didn't seek the credentials. Still 30 out of 200 applicants...surely a drop in the bucket of wider media coverage. No one said they had to provide meals or space (although that's nice). Isn't it just a matter of maybe doing a background check to ascertain the likelihood of someone shooting a candidate or causing other mischief and then issuing a little pass so they can mingle? Maybe that's not how it works these days, but one does wonder what fears lurk in the hearts of politicians for the lowly, yet mighty blogger that they're opening the door just a smidge. Bloggers are, after all, as liable for libel/slander issues as any journalist, albeit a little harder to locate, but they'd have to have an address on file for the credentials, wouldn't they? :)
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