Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Ah, finally

Well, the laundry is as finished as it will be. The dryers don't seem to work so well here, so I either have to run it for longer, make smaller dryer loads, or just resign myself to a little damp laundry.

I just ran out and got some dog food for Cerys, and now I'm in for the night. I still need to clean the cat box and sweep and mop the kitchen floor (I had some broken glass to deal with earlier, and there may still be a few shards that I'd rather not find with my feet, especially since I have diabetes). I'd also like to get a little unpacking done this weekend, but for now I'll be happy if I can get some work for the station in and take care of those two things, plus put away the laundry.

I had originally planned to do a lot more, but I slept till five in the afternoon and finally enough sleep to function, although I don't think I'll be completely caught up until after tonight. Tomorrow I plan to go to the game early and do some typing on our project, since I didn't make it over there today (sorry, Y). And I'll start back at the gym next week. Really. :)

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