
Sunday, May 29, 2016


and to air conditioning, yay! I started my day at 8:30 am, was over to a friend's by 10:00. I:
  1. Stopped by and got some drinks at Circle K.
  2. Cleaned my friend's house.
  3. Did my laundry.
  4. Did his laundry (except for the dog blankets, as they don't need them right now as it's hot and he hasn't put his air conditioning on, yet).
  5. Went to the grocery for both of us.
  6. Went back to the grocery because the milk was leaking.
  7. Had to back up an entire lane at Kroger because someone two cars ahead of me was waiting for a space for four minutes, causing the person to lay on his horn like a crazy person.
  8. Watched Hotel Transylvania 2, which was quite fun.
  9. Loaded up two laundry carts, two reusable totes of food, a backpack, and a few odds and ends into the car, and then into the house.
  10. Managed to get the carts in the living room despite a narrow entry, nearly flinging a candelabra across the room.
  11. Took my afternoon medicine.
I'm sweaty, still sunburnt, and generally ready to just plop down and enjoy the coolness that is my apartment. It's after 8 pm. I feel like I've been running for twelve hours. But it was a good day, nevertheless. So far I've done 100 minutes of activity, per my phone, and 9,552 steps--almost the recommended 10,000, and I average 5-6,000, and burned 952 calories, walking 5.03 miles. My best day so far was 106 minutes, so I'm very close. I may do a few things here before totally plopping down. But I think a shower may be in order, too.

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