Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The disaster continues

Latest satellite image of Gulf of Mexico oil spill as experts predict it could spread to Cuba

I don't really have the words for how appalled I am by the spill, the difficulties it presents in terms of containment, and horrible effects it has had and will have on wildlife, the oecology of a wide area, and the tourism and fishing industries in some of states that rely on these industries to fuel their oeconomies. Although I've never been past a rural area near Baton Rouge in terms of travelling south, I grew up in Louisiana and know how fragile their oeconomy can be. This is a true disaster, and I hope that the government and big oil can step up to the plate to minimise the damage, find out what went wrong, and keep it from happening again.

(Image from NASA)

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