Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Well, I'm still coughing--even with the medicine, especially at night

but it's a little better than it was. The foot is better, too--I've just been wearing the boot when I work at the store, and my ankle is doing okay. I find out Thursday if I can dispense with the boot altogether.

Sorry I didn't post for a few days; I got very little sleep over the weekend for various reasons and crashed and burned on Monday. I finally feel myself again.

I really need to add water to the fish tank and get the filtration system going again, but so far I haven't done it. Perhaps tomorrow morning before work. So far the fish seem to be okay.

I don't know if I mentioned it, but I re-pierced my ear with my original earrings again a few weeks ago. Today I was able to take those out and put in some blue lace agate crystal earrings that went very well with the gradient blue shirt I bought at Gabriel Brothers. I had a good hair day, too.

In fact it was a good day in general; I was productive at both jobs, listened to music during my various tasks at the hospital. I think we've finally ironed out the particulars of my recent book order so I can go ahead and catalogue the rest of the books on the cart.

Tonight was truck night. We didn't have too many boxes and there were three of us there. I wound up leaving a little early and went home for something to eat before going over to a friend's. I got A from work and then came home and slept in the comfy chair for about an hour before getting up and doing a few things. I'm about to go to bed for real, but I really did want to get a post or two in.

By the way, did you hear about the girl in New York who fell into an open manhole whilst texting? City workers were in process of putting out cones around the hole when the 15-year-old fell 4 or 5 feet into the sewer, getting scraped up a bit. The parents are talking about suing the city. Now granted, the workers probably shouldn't have taken the cover off until the cones were in place, but if she were that distracted, she probably would have walked right past the cones into the hole anyway. How dumb is that? Although I admire her ability to text, walk, (and no doubt chew gum) at the same time, she certainly doesn't have navigation completely down. I'm glad she wasn't really hurt, and of course there is the gross factor, which the mother emphasised in the interview, but gee, it's a sewer--it's supposed to be gross. And this is a symptom of a society that sees no reason for personal responsibility. Nevermind that the girl was doing something dumb, right? I suspect any suit against the city would be dismissed. I hope they wouldn't just settle.

I was once a witness in a similar case where someone did something that the court ruled no reasonable person would do, and the suit against the company was dismissed. Courts do recognise personal responsibility.

I suppose there might be some ruling about the cones, but they were, after all, pulling them off the truck to place as she fell--which is why no one saw her in time. Again, maybe they need to change the policy of when to place the cones, but maybe people should know better than to text while moving. At least she wasn't driving.

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