Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, July 10, 2009

Today we celebrate the birth of a genius

Today is the anniversary of Nikola Tesla's birth. Google has a great graphic for today:
Tesla Google Logo

Tesla was a Serbian-American (born in Europe, he eventually applied and achieved American citizenship) known for his inventions and scientific genius. You can thank Tesla for the very electricity powering your computer; he is the one who worked out the principles of alternating current. He was quite remarkable.

Nikola Tesla

Here's a photo of the scientist at age 40. Eccentric and misunderstood, he was often regarded as a mad scientist who, among other things, supposedly actually invented a death ray. He didn't really profit in the long run from his inventions; finances were not so important to him and he died impoverished. What a mind he must have had!

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