
Friday, July 17, 2009

Well, that was foreseen

Lexington library board fires chief executive Kathleen Imhoff

Unfortunately there will most likely be a lawsuit on top of the controversy. But I must say, I've taken notes about what to and not to do as a supervisor, how the balance between library board and directors are important, and being accountable for expenditures when the majority of your income is tax-based. And also, of course, that politics is never absent when it comes to publicly-funded libraries. Here's hoping they find a really good candidate who will help repair the damage, as I suspect the outcome of any suit would be either a settlement or the rest of the money in the contract, rather than her position back.

Thanks to Steven for the head's up, which is ironic, as it's my hometown paper [my only excuse is that I was out of the office today due to doctors' appointments, so I didn't see the paper itself]. :) Oh, and sorry, the Herald-Leader only keeps stories up for about 7 days, so go read it now.

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